Monday, April 27, 2009

What is your daily intake?

What is your daily intake of common violence? There are many factors that contribute to today's violence. Some that I believe to be the leading causes are video games, the Internet, movies and cliques at school. Video games are becoming more violent by focusing on shooting each other and killing the "bad guys". If there is not supervision on what a young child is playing there is a strong chance that they will be endured in a video game based on killing each other. Seeing such graphic murders have become second nature to them. With the use of Internet anybody has access violent related sites. Something as "harmless" as Facebook is now home of daily bullying, Youtube is now a site where anyone can watch beatings or post hate stories. Many movies have become increasingly aggressive and graphic. There are many war related movies that are very educational but for a young child it is inappropriate. Cliques at school are becoming more and more judgemental. If you are not part of the "popular" group many feel that they are inferior. Through daily "images" of violence bullying has become a common site in a North American school. I feel that violence can become more controlled through the use of supervision and rules for younger children.